Chicago Public Schools Education & Training

CPS Technology Education & Training

Our focus on Technology Education & Training tailors professional learning to the needs of schools with ongoing, timely, and expert support. We build partnerships with all stakeholders to fuel growth through a strategic model.

Who We Are
  • Local Chicago Minority Business Enterprise
  • CPS Professional Learning Vendor
  • 25+ years serving public, private & charter schools
  • Professionals with educational backgrounds,
    including classroom & leadership experience
  • Technological & pedagogical expertise
  • Google partners & Google Certified Trainers
  • Problem-solvers, collaborators, & innovators
How We Help

We will learn the unique needs, goals
and vision of the community. Then,
lead technology initiatives to support
administrators, teachers, and families.

Professional learning is designed uniquely and specifically for every school.

We will work with technology coordinators or school leaders to insure these workshops align with the vision and mission of the school, and support the critical work already in place. If your team is not able to meet in person, we are happy to offer a live or recorded virtual workshop.

Here are a few examples of professional development sessions we have offered:

  • Best Apps for K-2nd: Differentiate, Engage, Educate
  • Making the Most of Google Classroom & Chrome Extensions
  • Safe Digital Learning & Citizenship
  • The Intersection of Classroom Management & Chromebooks
  • Welcome to Your Tech (Overview of Tools for New Hires)


“Our focus on Technology Education & Training tailors professional learning to the needs of schools with ongoing, timely, and expert support. We aim to become a part of the community by building partnerships with all stakeholders and fuel growth through a strategic model.”

– Edward Collins, Principal, Burbank Elementary

“Through our learning from the Heliox Group, there was a discernible improvement in the ability of teachers to be comfortable with the challenges of remote learning and simultaneous teaching through the use of the options available through the entire Google Suite. This professional learning resulted in a higher level of engagement on the students’ part and improved learning in the most challenging of times.”

– Linda Foley, Principal, Newberry Math & Science Academy

“I was very impressed with Emily from Heliox. She successfully differentiated, provided opportunities for application of content and personalized learning for the staff members who attended the session.”

– Danielle Bagdzius, Curriculum Coordinator, Komarek District 94


Blending fourteen years experience as an educator with technology expertise,
Emily Ziebka leads organizational initiatives with strategic planning. She develops,
designs and tailors training to meet each organization’s unique culture utilizing a
highly responsive approach.
Certifications & Qualifications
IL Certified Ed Tech Specialist K-12 | Google Certified Level I, II, and Trainer

District and school level goals

We start with a collaborative discussion with school leaders

Teacher & classroom goals

We develop relationships with staff to address school goals & needs
while utilizing high responsive communication

Teacher support and empowerment

Plan and lead professional development workshops

Model, co-teach, or coach within the classroom

Provide Level 1 and Level 2 Google Certification Training

Facilitate Teacher tech Committees

Communicate regular updates & tutorials

School Leadership Partnership

Vet applications to be used by the school

Align technology goals with standards

Conduct needs-based assessments and/or analyze existing data to determine tech priorities

Enhance curriculum maps with tech integration

Thought-partner in solving operational or classroom issues involving tech

Collaboration & Enhancement of Current Initiatives

Support technology coordinators with existing initiatives

plan & co-lead professional development days

Analyze feedback and provide tangible next steps

Diagnose and solve challenge areas regarding implementation, execution or follow-through

Classroom & Student Support

Develop virtual video tutorials

Implement a Learning management Software, such as Google Classroom, to streamline instruction & communication

NWEA Testing administration or support

Implement classroom management to support safe and on-task internet use

Our Education Partners

Ready to get started?

Get in touch with us today!